Enhance Revenue with Smarter Financial Service

Sobot Financial Service Solution

What Can You Get

What Can You Get From Sobot: One Stop Solution

One Stop Solution

Make customer service a priority and reward your customers for higher loyalty and increased LTV, about 20%.
What Can You Get From Sobot: Public & Private Cloud

Public & Private Cloud

Delivery options, like public and private cloud, are viable for Sobot. Choose freely and rely on your business needs.
What Can You Get From Sobot: Data Privacy & Protection

Data Privacy & Protection

The highest security standards ensure compliance with your customer data privacy and security.

Create Digital Financial Experiences


Reach Your Customers at Scale
Sobot Financial Service Solution: Reach_Reach Your Customers at Scale

Reach Your Customers at Scale

Easy to broadcast messages scalably
Now create and process automatic marketing campaigns with Sobot to reach your customers scalably across channels like WhatsApp, and SMS.
Leads collection with AI
Automatically collect upfront information, predict next steps and proactively offer financial advice.


Calls to Action That Convert
Sobot Financial Service Solution: Conversion_Calls to Action That Convert

Calls to Action That Convert

Personalized promotion strategies
Segment your customers by group and engage them with personalized promos based on their labels to improve conversion rate.
Activate by notification
Send transactional updates, OTPs, and reminder messages to keep your customers updated to take next action.


Rewards for Building Loyalty
Sobot Financial Service Solution: Repurchase_Rewards for Building Loyalty

Rewards for Building Loyalty

Focus on better CX
Regularly collect customer feedback on channels such as WhatsApp, SMS, etc., making customer experience a priority.
Promotions as rewards
Reward old customers through repayment credits, interest rate reductions, and spending points giveaways to enhance customer stickiness.


Distinguished Support for CSAT
Sobot Financial Service Solution: Support_Distinguished Support for CSAT

Distinguished Support for CSAT

Customer 360 for Seamless Service
Sobot connects the most important data from all parts of your business like CRM, and so on in one place. Give your team quick access to key customer information so agents can make personalized offers and provide personal support.
AI makes support an easy case
Chatbot not only makes your customers enjoy self-service when they need it but also frees the agents to cope with complex issues.

Why Customers Love

Big, small, simple or complex – find your next sales center with Sobot
Why Customers Love Sobot Financial Service Solution

Sobot provides a multi-language platform to match the user coverage in our market expansion, with all channels unified access and to form a closed-loop service. Agent productivity increases by 34%.

Why Customers Love Sobot Financial Service Solution

We have partnered with Sobot to deliver a seamless omnichannel customer experience, smarter, and more secure. All the customer data can be collected and gathered in one place helps our support teams to know what customers need and increase CAST. Also, the Net Promoter Score(NPS) increased to 85.

Why Customers Love Sobot Financial Service Solution

Sobot does it! A more stable call center system makes it easy to support customers when they need it or reach our customers. We gain more trust from customers and build better partnerships. The customer engagement rate increased to 41%.

Sobot provides a multi-language platform to match the user coverage in our market expansion, with all channels unified access and to form a closed-loop service. Agent productivity increases by 34%.

We have partnered with Sobot to deliver a seamless omnichannel customer experience, smarter, and more secure. All the customer data can be collected and gathered in one place helps our support teams to know what customers need and increase CAST. Also, the Net Promoter Score(NPS) increased to 85.

Sobot does it! A more stable call center system makes it easy to support customers when they need it or reach our customers. We gain more trust from customers and build better partnerships. The customer engagement rate increased to 41%.

Why Customers Love Sobot Financial Service Solution Why Customers Love Sobot Financial Service Solution

We Understand Your Need

For Banking and Capital Markets

Send promos across every channel like WhatApp, SMS to reach customers automatically.
Remind customers timely about updates like refund progress.

For Digital Assets Exchange

After learning businesses' knowledge base, Chatbot can solve many problems about digital currencies
Broadcast product updates to customers based on their preferences.

For Payment Company

Send your customers updates via safe channels, eg, WhatsApp.
Attract customers through promotional messages including payment discounts, city services, etc.

For Lending Platform

Sobot omnichannel platform unifies customers' data and easy to figure out the customer status.
Activate dormant customers through special offers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked

Product Solutions